Great Sauerkraut Goulash

Delicious cabbage stew topped with sour cream and parsley, served on a rustic cutting board.

Serves 4


3 slices bacon

1/2 pound pork loin cubes (1-1/2 inch)

1/2 cup chopped onion

1 teaspoon caraway seed

1 tablespoon paprika

2-1/4 cups canned chicken stock

1/2 cup water

3 cups sauerkraut, rinsed and drained

1/2 cup chopped green pepper

1/2 cup chopped tomato

1/2 cup light sour cream

2 tablespoons flour

Salt and pepper to taste

Parsley for garnish (optional)


In a heavy pan, cook bacon until crisp; remove and crumble. Set aside.

In drippings, brown pork and cook onion with caraway and paprika until tender. Stir in chicken stock, water and sauerkraut. Cover; cook over low heat for 1 hour. Add green pepper and tomato; cook 30 minutes more or until done. Stir occasionally.

Combine sour cream and flour; stir into pork mixture. Cook, stirring until thickened. Add salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with bacon and parsley.

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