Pickles in the
Schoolkits Featuring Activities, Glossaries, and Tasty Learning Opportunities

Where Does Our Food Come From?
It may seem like a simple question, but modern supermarkets make access to prepared food so convenient that many children may not fully understand what it takes to get food from raw ingredients to their refrigerator. The Pickle Packers International Teacher’s Kits help answer this question with engaging information, lesson plans, learning activities, and more. These three downloadable teacher’s kits are designed primarily for Grades 1-6 but are also suitable for helping students of any age better understand how food travels from the field to the table. They use raw cucumbers and their transformation into pickles as an easy-to-understand, illustrative example.

Pickles Teacher's Kit Part 1
Topics Include:
- Where Does Food Come From?
- A Marketing Dill-emma
- Our Market Economy
- How Are Pickles Made?

Pickles Teacher's Kit Part 2
Topics Include:
- Pickle Varieties
- Grow Your Own Cucumbers and Make Your Own Pickles!
- Glossary
- Activity Idea Guide
- Pickles Are a Perfect Fundraiser

Pickles Teacher's Kit Part 3
Topics Include:
- Supermarket Check-Out List
- Pickle Tasting Questions
- Word Search
- From Raw to Finished Product Activity
- Answer Key to Word Search and Raw to Finished Product Activity