Our member community of manufacturers, salters, green shippers, brokers, and associates from around the globe shares a passion for pickled vegetables. Together, we work to advance industry standards, share best practices, and promote global appreciation for pickled products.

- B&G Foods, Inc.
- Bay Valley Foods (Treehouse)
- Best Maid Products, Inc.
- Bryant Preserving Company
- Cajun Chef Products Inc.
- Carl Kühne KG (GmbH & Co.)
- Cleveland Kitchen
- Conagra Brands
- County Fair Food Products
- Develey Senf & Feinkost GMBH
- EW Grobbel
- F&S Fresh Foods
- Fermented Foods Holdings, Inc
- First Place Foods, LLC
- Fishtown Pickle Project, LLC
- Freestone Pickle Company Inc.
- Garlic Company
- Gielow Pickles Inc.
- Giulianos’ Specialty Foods
- Global Green Company Limited
- Gourmet Recipe Experts
- Hausbeck Pickle Co.
- Hengstenberg GmbH & Co. KG
- Hermann Pickle Farms
- Indo Spanish Tasty Foods Private Limited
- Kaiser Foods Inc
- Klein Pickle Co., Inc.
- Koeleman India Pvt. Ltd.
- Kraft Heinz Company
- Kruger Foods, Inc.
- McClure’s Pickles
- McCormick Kutas Gida San. A.S.
- Mr. Chips Inc.
- Mt. Olive Pickle Company, Inc.
- OH Snap! Pickling Co.
- Patriot Pickle Inc.
- Poppie’s Pickles Inc
- Reitzel International (Suisse) SA
- Safie Specialty Foods Company, Inc.
- Sanyo Food Products Co., Ltd.
- Sechler’s Pickles, Inc.
- SuckerPunch Gourmet
- Talk O’Texas Brands Inc.
- The Chicago Pickle Company
- The J.M. Smucker Co.
- United Pickle Products Corp.
- Van Holten’s
- Zey-Tur-San Gida San. ve. Tic. A.S.

Salters - Green Shippers - Brokers
- Bay View Food Products Co.
- Brodnax Seed Co. Inc.
- Can-Am Pepper Company
- Carb Americas
- Casco Produce SA DE CV
- Falkner Produce
- Fresh & Greens Agri Imports, Inc.
- Froese Vegetables
- Great Lakes Greenhouse Inc.
- Hartung Brothers, Inc.
- Holmes & Holmes Produce, Inc.
- John J. Jerue Truck Broker; Inc.
- Kenny, Inc.
- Lipman Family Farms
- Lisa Inc.
- MarBran, S.A. DE C.V.
- M.J. Rosenmayer Company
- Mid-Valley Brokerage
- Montrose International Group
- Picklemex, LLC
- Robinson Fresh
- Sanbros
- Serg Agricola
- Sur-Mex Pickles LLC
- Swanson Pickle Co., Inc.
- The Pickle Station
- Warzynski Paradise Farms, Inc.

- 3W Plastics LLC
- Amcor Flexibles North America
- American International Foods, Inc.
- Ardagh Glass Packaging
- BASF | nunhems USA, Inc.
- Bayer Seminis Vegetable Seeds
- Bejo Seeds, Inc
- Belding Tank Technologies, Inc.
- Berry Global
- BetaTec Hop Products
- BK Engineering & Consulting
- CIR Flexible Packaging Solutions, Inc.
- Con Pac South, Inc.
- Control GMC
- Critereon Company LLC
- E. Hofmann Plastics
- Fleischmann’s Vinegar Company, Inc.
- Green Stone Farm Credit Services
- H & N Logistics LLC
- HM. Clause, Inc.
- IPL North America Inc.
- Kalsec, Inc.
- M & G Truck Brokerage
- Marcatus QED, Inc.
- Massilly North America Inc.
- Mauser Packaging Solutions (Formerly Bway Corp)
- Medallion International, Inc.
- Mizkan Americas, Inc.
- MKS Plastics
- Norton Packaging, Inc.
- Olds Products Company
- Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers
- Paragon Manufacturing, Inc.
- Plex Systems
- Rijk Zwaan USA, Inc.
- Robertet
- Rose Timmer & Associates
- Silgan Closures
- Solbern
- Sormac Inc.
- SSS Vinegar Corporation
- SunWest Ingredients
- Tecnocap LLC
- Trilogy Flavors
- Urschel Laboratories Inc.
- Vanmark Equipment LLC